Is FREENOW in Ireland?
Is FREENOW in Ireland? Book a taxi in Dublin quickly and easily through the FREE NOW app. Dublin is at the heart of Ireland. Tourist or local - with FREENOW you can get from A to B quickly and easily anywhere around the Capital City.
How do I pay for FREE NOW?
If you order a Ride or EV Ride (PHV, private car) all payments are processed in-app via card, Apple Pay or PayPal. Add your payment method to your FREENOW account before ordering a trip: How to add a payment method.
Is FREENOW international?
With FREENOW, the Mobility Super App, you can book taxis and more. We're also in 9 countries across Europe, so you can use the app wherever you go.
How do I catch a cab in Ireland?
You can hail a licensed taxi or find them at a taxi rank, whilst a hackney cab must be hired by phone or in person at a hackney office. A licensed taxi calculate their fares using a taximeter, whilst hackney cabs generally have a fixed price list for their different destinations.
Why is it called FREENOW?
Why is it called FREE NOW? “I've worked in marketing for more than 20 years. The name itself, like all new names, can feel a little bit strange at the beginning, but really it's what the brand is about that matters,” he tells Fora. “The Free Now brand is about bringing freedom of mobility to passengers.
Is my taxi the same as free now?
No - the app used to be called MyTaxi. They renamed the app to FreeNow several months ago.