Is driving in Montreal difficult?

Is driving in Montreal difficult? Narrow roads: Many of the roads in the older parts of the city are narrow and winding, which can make it difficult to maneuver around other vehicles and keep to your lane. Winter weather: Montreal experiences harsh winter weather, including snow and ice, which can make driving conditions more dangerous and challenging.

Are street signs in Montreal in English?

Quebec and Montreal ? All road/traffic/parking signs in the province of Quebec, which includes Montreal and Quebec City, are in French. In Ontario, which includes Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls, the signs are in English, with some in both languages.

Is it better to drive or take the train to Montreal?

It can actually end up being more cost-efficient to take the train to Montreal rather than driving. For tourists, it saves on the costs of car rentals or the hassle of standing in long lines at airports. Via Rail is Canada's national passenger railway.

Can you go to Montreal without knowing French?

(But the quick answer is no, you won't have any problems.) Montreal is a bilingual city and typically in the downtown, especially tourist areas, people will speak English. Not a problem at all. Lots of Montrealers are English and manage with very limited, or no, French.