Is dollar acceptable in London?

Is dollar acceptable in London? Us dollars are not generally accepted in the UK. Nor, in fact, are Euros.

Should I pay in pounds or dollars in London?

The rate used by your card provider when paying in local currency will in most cases be lower than that of the merchant, or foreign bank, when paying in sterling. Some retailers outside the UK might automatically assume you want to pay in pounds unless you say otherwise, so always double check the amount before paying.

Is 50K a good salary London?

Absolutely. 50K gross will give you about 34K net. You can get a great room in a shared flat for 1K/month, and by that I mean zone 1 even.

What can 5 pounds get you in London?

London for a fiver: five things you can do for five pounds or...
  • Set your sights on a Shakespearean play. For only £5, you can score yourself a standing ticket in the yard of Shakespeare's Globe. ...
  • Climb The Monument. ...
  • Laugh your socks off at a comedy show. ...
  • Fill up on samples at a food market. ...
  • Hire a deck chair in Hyde Park.

Is 50 pounds enough for a day in London?

There isn't a 'normal' daily spend. Everyone has different tastes, so we all spend a different amount. But to answer your question (others already have) yes it is possible to live on £50 per day.