Is Canary Wharf safe to swim?

Is Canary Wharf safe to swim? Supported by NOWCA, the UK's largest network of safe open water venues, Love Open Water ensure that the water at Canary Wharf is regularly tested and reaches high levels of cleanliness as required by EU Bathing Standards, meaning it is completely clean and safe to swim in.

Where is safe to swim in UK?

Best places for wild swimming in the UK
  • River Isis, Port Meadow, Oxford. ...
  • Linhope Spout, Northumberland. ...
  • Falls of Falloch, Crianlarich, Scotland. ...
  • Goldiggins Quarry, Minions, Cornwall. ...
  • Walpole Bay Tidal Pool, Margate. ...
  • Blue Lagoon, Pembrokeshire, Wales. ...
  • Loch Morlich, Highlands. ...
  • Hampstead Heath Ponds, London.