Is bridge toll cheaper with FasTrak?

Is bridge toll cheaper with FasTrak? A FasTrak toll tag saves $1 on each toll crossing. Tolls are deducted from your FasTrak account. FasTrak is the preferred choice for commuters and others who cross this bridge frequently. Carpools must have a toll tag to receive discounted tolls.

How do I know if I owe a toll in California?

To check if you owe toll in California, call at 877-229-8655. If you have a FasTrak, you can log into your account and view all the toll hits and the ones you owe. Note: For missed tolls in California, the concerned tolling authority sends a toll invoice to the vehicle owner (usually within 30 days).

What happens if you go through FasTrak without a FasTrak?

If a valid FasTrak toll tag is not detected, an image of the vehicle license plate will be used to send a violation notice to the vehicle’s registered owner through the mail. The notice will include the toll amount plus a penalty for using the express lane without a valid FasTrak toll tag.

Is FasTrak only for one person?

Drivers using a FasTrak CAV toll tag will receive a 50% discount off the toll when driving alone. Apply for a FasTrak CAV toll tag. Carpools of two people receive a 50% discount on the toll. Carpools with 3+ people, motorcycles, 2-seater vehicles carrying 2 people and vanpools may travel toll free.

How do I get my FasTrak fees waived?

How can I get the penalties waived? You must call the FasTrak Customer Service Center at 877-BAY-TOLL (877-229-8655) to obtain a waiver of penalties. Note that regional toll operators have different policies for their one-time penalty waivers so all penalties may not be waived.

Why did FasTrak charge me $40?

In addition, you agree to make a minimum cash or check payment of $40 each time your toll account balance falls below your replenishment threshold (initially $30). You agree that such payment will be received by the Customer Service Center prior to your account reaching a zero balance.

Does FasTrak have cameras?

Cameras take pictures of the vehicle license plates as they pass through. In case a toll tag is not detected, the pictures are used to identify your vehicle. If you have an account with FasTrak, your account will be charged.

Is FasTrak only in California?

FasTrak is the electronic toll collection (ETC) system used in the state of California in the United States. The system is used statewide on all of the toll roads, toll bridges, and high-occupancy toll lanes along the California Freeway and Expressway System.

Can I use FasTrak for one day?

One-Time Payment is a temporary account to pay bridge tolls for a specific period of time. It can only be used to pay a toll if you crossed a bridge in the last 48 hours or to pay future tolls up to 30 days in advance.

Do I need a FasTrak toll tag for bridges?

Paying Tolls without a FasTrak Toll Tag Paying with License Plate Account: If you travel over Bay Area bridges regularly and do not want a toll tag, consider opening a License Plate Account. This type of account is now eligible to pay tolls at all bridge toll facilities.

Is FasTrak good throughout California?

You can use FasTrak anywhere in California where the FasTrak logo is displayed. In the Bay Area, you can use FasTrak on all toll bridges. In Southern California, you can use FasTrak on toll roads and express lanes.

What are the benefits of having FasTrak?

  • No stopping at tollbooths.
  • Discounted rates available.
  • Easy account set-up and maintenance.