Is Amsterdam one of the best cities in the world?

Is Amsterdam one of the best cities in the world? What are the best cities in the world? Every year, Time Out surveys more than 20,000 people around the world to identify the best cities to visit right now. This year, Edinburgh topped the list as the best city in the world, followed by Chicago, Medellín, Glasgow and Amsterdam.

Which European city has the nicest people?

The friendliest cities in Europe: 2023 Readers' Choice Awards
  1. Siena, Italy. Score 98.33.
  2. Cork, Ireland. Score 97.00. ...
  3. Dublin, Ireland. Score 95.37. ...
  4. Helsinki, Finland. Score 95.00. ...
  5. Belgrade, Serbia. Score 94.55. ...
  6. Malaga, Spain. Score 94.19. ...
  7. San Sebasti?n, Spain. Score 92.67. ...
  8. Dubrovnik, Croatia. Score 92.61. ...

What is Amsterdam known for bad?

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Long famed for its casual attitude to marijuana use, the Dutch capital Amsterdam says it now has a serious problem with hard drugs that has brought increased violence and corruption at the hands of “hustlers, parasites and extortionists”.

Is Amsterdam a beautiful city?

If you're visiting for the first time, you'll be amazed by just how beautiful Amsterdam is. It's easy to associate the city with coffee shops, canals and red lights, but there's a depth of culture and aesthetic appeal that rivals any city in Europe.

Is Amsterdam one of the most beautiful cities?

Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam's narrow, centuries-old houses along its many canals are undeniably gorgeous. The colorful facades, brick churches, and flower-lined bridges make this one of the most beautiful cities in Europe to aimlessly explore.

Is Amsterdam the most beautiful city in Europe?

Amsterdam, Netherlands. While Amsterdam might be famous for the Red Light District and its “coffee shops”, it's one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. You'll quickly see why it's so marvelous as you stroll past the rows of tall, narrow buildings lining its picturesque canals.

Why Amsterdam is so popular?

As one of the most famous cities in the world, Amsterdam is synonymous with vibrant culture, rich history, inclusiveness and beautiful canals. Since its construction in the 17th century, the Amsterdam canal ring has grown into one of the most unique urban landscapes in the world.