Is a 20 minute commute too much?

Is a 20 minute commute too much? Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

What is the average work commute in miles?

To get to work, the average commuter travels approximately 15 miles one way. Two out of three com- muters (68 percent) reported a one-way commute of 15 miles or less, 22 percent traveled between 16 and 30 miles and 11 percent traveled more than 30 miles2.

What is considered daily commute?

Commuting miles are personal miles, which means that individuals drive from their home to their workplace and from their workplace to their home. Since it's essential for employees to drive to work each day, the IRS considers commuting miles as daily travel expenses.

How far is too far to commute daily to work?

Commuting from home to work should be less than 50 miles and within 30 minutes, and the surrounding area of your workplace should be within 50 miles of your home. It is ideal for commuters to take at least 5 minutes to commute to work, and the one-way commute should take more than 16 minutes.

What to do if you hate your commute?

“To help enhance work detachment and relaxation during the commute, commuters could try to avoid ruminating about the workday and instead focus on personally fulfilling uses of the commute time, such as listening to music or podcasts, or calling a friend,” they commented.

Why is commuting so tiring?

When you're travelling, you're just sitting in one constant position for a long time. Throw in traffic chaos and the vehicle jerking at every stop and you'll feel irritated as well. Just sum up the psychological and the physiological stress your body goes through and what you end up with is tiredness.

Is 30 minutes too far to drive to work?

It's not too long. Probably about average. You need to have 2 or 3 different ways to get to work because of rush hour wrecks. I averaged 46 miles a day, to work and to home.

How much money is a shorter commute worth?

35 percent of Americans would take a pay cut in exchange for a shorter commute. 20 percent would give up between 1 and 5 percent of their salary for a shorter commute — that's nearly $2,369, given the median salary in the US. Of those who would take a pay cut, 89 percent would trade up to 20 percent of their salary.

How do you survive a long commute to work?

Tips to Help You Survive Your Long Commute
  1. Leave 15 minutes earlier. ...
  2. Be strategic. ...
  3. Take control of your environment. ...
  4. Pack snacks. ...
  5. Leave your car at home (if you can) ...
  6. Minimize screen-staring. ...
  7. Keep a regular schedule.

What is an OK commute time?

Commuting from home to work should be less than 50 miles and within 30 minutes, and the surrounding area of your workplace should be within 50 miles of your home. It is ideal for commuters to take at least 5 minutes to commute to work, and the one-way commute should take more than 16 minutes.

Is a 20 minute commute too far?

Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

What is the happiest commute time?

This is consistent with other studies that show most people do not want a commute time of shorter than 15 minutes. I agree that around 15 minutes would be ideal. But how you commute seems to matter just as much as the length of time. The research clearly shows that people are happiest walking to work.

How long of a commute is reasonable?

Generally speaking, it is best to keep your commute under an hour each way. This allows for enough time in the day for other activities such as spending time with family or pursuing hobbies without feeling overly exhausted from a long journey.

Is a shorter commute better?

The biggest and most obvious advantage of a shorter commute is the time you'll save. If you're able to trim off 30 minutes of commuting each way, that's an hour a day, which saves you 250 hours of time every year (if you work five days per week and have two weeks of vacation).

How many hours does the average person commute?

The average American commute time to and from work is 55 minutes. Given that Americans spend an average of 27.6 minutes traveling one way, that means it takes nearly an hour for them to commute both ways each day.

How bad is a 30 minute commute?

A new Swedish study has found people working more than 40 hours per week who commute more than 30 minutes each way to work have a 25 percent greater risk of being inactive, and are 16 percent more likely to experience sleep problems, reports Reuters.

Does a shorter commute make you happier?

Data from the US showed that more time spent on the daily commute was related to higher levels of fatigue and stress during commuting [12]. Clark et al. [9] found that longer commute times were associated with lower job and leisure time satisfaction, increased strain, and poorer mental health.