Is 700 mph the speed of sound?
Is 700 mph the speed of sound? Using this formula, the approximate speed of sound at 20° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit) is: 344 meters per second (m/s) 1128 feet per second (f/s) 770 miles per hour (mph)
How long would it take to travel around the Earth at Mach 10?
If traveling at Mach 10, it would take approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes to circle around the world. That's pretty fast! You'd be able to see some amazing sights in that amount of time - from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Great Wall of China.
What is the fastest a jet has ever gone?
The fastest fighter jet ever created was the NASA/USAF X-15. It was an experimental aircraft that resembled more of a rocket with wings but managed to reach a record 4,520mph. The fastest fighter jet in the world today is the MiG-25 Foxbat, with a top speed of 2,190mph, half the speed of the X-15.
Are sonic booms illegal?
' It's actually illegal to fly supersonic, or MACH 1, over the mainland of the United States. However, this event was cleared by the FAA.