Is 3 days enough for Jerusalem?

Is 3 days enough for Jerusalem? However, 3 days is usually enough to see most of the highlights and get a taste of the city that will no doubt leave you hungry for more. If you're like most people and having trouble deciding what to see and how to fit it all in, then this handy itinerary guideline might be just what the doctor ordered…

Is there a lot of walking on Holy Land Tours?

YES. Even though the tour bus can pull very close to the entrance of most sites, there is a lot of walking on a Holy Land tour. Israel is a land of hills and valleys, and you will walk up and down many of them.

Is it safe to walk around Bethlehem?

Is Bethlehem safe to visit? Crossing over to Bethlehem is pretty safe for tourists. The town is a big attraction and the Palestinian authorities go to great lengths to make it safe to visit. You just need to bring their passport with an Israeli-issued tourist visa to enter and exit the Palestinian areas.