In which Canadian cities is French spoken?

In which Canadian cities is French spoken? Quebec, the only province that is primarily Francophone, adopted the Charter of the French Language , which provides for the predominant use of French within provincial government institutions and in Quebec society. The province of New Brunswick is, under the Canadian Constitution , officially bilingual.

What is traditional Quebec food?

Québec is home to many unique dishes and is most famous for its poutine, tourtières, pâté chinois, pea soup, fèves au lard, cretons and desserts such as grands-pères, pouding chômeur and St. Catherine's taffy.

In which city do most of the French speaking Canadian citizen live?

In Canada, 85% of French Canadians reside in Quebec where they constitute the majority of the population in all regions except the far North (Nord-du-Québec). Most cities and villages in this province were built and settled by the French or French Canadians during the French colonial rule.