In what country do they say aloha?

In what country do they say aloha? Aloha is the true meaning and symbol of the Hawaiian culture and lifestyle: respect and love one another, and live in harmony with everything around you. Aloha is not something that is spoken, it is something that must be experienced. A traditional Hawaiian greeting starts by sharing ha, or their breath.

Is aloha Spanish or Hawaiian?

Aloha is a Hawaiian word with many meanings, ranging from love, peace, and compassion to pity and grief. It's commonly used, especially by visitors to Hawaii, to mean hello and goodbye.

Can tourists say Mahalo?

Don't worry about it too much, the locals don't care what you say back as long as your being respectful of their culture and Hawaiian language customs. Sidenote: According to Wikipedia, Mahalo is a Hawaiian word meaning thanks, gratitiude, admirtaion, praise, esteem, regards and respects.

Is it rude to not say Aloha?

Hello, hi, or more often “howzit” is appropriate. Howzit especially is a typical greeting among those of us who have grown up here. I personally don't necessarily greet folks with Aloha unless I know them well. I will often leave with an Aloha and Mahalo (thank you).

What do Hawaiians call tourists?

Haole is a Hawaiian word for non-native Hawaiian or Polynesian people, often referring to white people. Usage can be in an insulting or pejorative manner, but it usually refers to a foreigner or tourist.