How would you handle a situation when two passengers were arguing and disturbing the rest of the travelers?

How would you handle a situation when two passengers were arguing and disturbing the rest of the travelers? Example: “If I were faced with a situation where two passengers were arguing and disturbing the rest of the travelers, I would first assume an authoritative posture. I'd then explain to the passengers that I would like to help them resolve the situation, but I need them to be calm and help me to work through this.

What would you do if two customers were arguing over a seat?

The most important thing is to deescalate the situation, which can be done by separating the passengers, just talking to them, or telling them what might need to be done if the situation can't be resolved, like landing at the nearest airport or being arrested once you're on the ground.

How do you handle stress and pressure as a flight attendant?

Proper pre-flight planning and time management can help crews prevent stressful situations. Aviation workers can benefit from prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities, and taking breaks when needed. Stress levels can significantly reduce when a person feels more in control of their schedule.

What would you do if a passenger was extremely upset and angry?

Really pay attention and listen to the passenger's complaint, and reassure them that you understand and sympathise with their frustration. Ask them what will make the situation better for them. Hopefully they will be reasonable and you can find some common ground to appease their frustrations.