How would you describe the beach with imagery?
How would you describe the beach with imagery? A salty ocean breeze is gently caressing your face. The late afternoon sun is warming your skin and is gilding the whole area with a spectacular hue of gold. The vast and endless blue sky is decorated with a few floating white clouds. You can hear the rustling of leaves of tall palm trees not far from the shores.
How does the image of the beach make you feel?
“Staring at the ocean actually changes our brain waves' frequency and puts us into a mild meditative state.” A study published in the American Association for the Advancement of Science's journal even found that blue is associated with a boost of creativity.
How do you express the beauty of the beach?
The small crystals in the sand glimmer and twinkle brilliantly against the sunrays. The seagulls ride with the wind and the soft sand cushions my toes. I reach behind, burying my hand into the…show more content… Away from the immense sea, white foams from the waves gather gently onto the golden shore.