How were prisoners treated in a castle?

How were prisoners treated in a castle? Not all prisoners were treated well. They might be chained up and forced to wear a heavy iron collar and cuffs around the hands and ankles. This iron collar, from Loches, France, weighs about 35lb (16kg)! Some prisoners were tortured as well.

What were castle walls filled with?

Walls. Walls were generally built of stone within wooden frames designed to hold the stone in place while the mortar dried. For thick walls, the wall was usually constructed with a cavity that was filled with rubble rather than being solid stone.

How were prisoners treated in a medieval castle?

The purpose of a medieval castle dungeon was to detain prisoners. The dungeons were often dark, damp, and dirty, and were not meant to be comfortable places. Prisoners were usually kept in chains or locked in cages, and they were often subjected to torture.

Do castles have prisons?

Purpose-built prison chambers in castles became more common after the twelfth century, when they were built into gatehouses or mural towers.

Where did soldiers sleep in castles?

THE SOLDIERS They'd be commanded by the constable or castellan, who stood in for the owner and lived in his own rooms (there's a Constable's Gate at Dover Castle). The soldiers slept in a dormitory.