How were hobos different from bums?

How were hobos different from bums? A hobo is a migrant worker in the United States. Hoboes, tramps, and bums are generally regarded as related, but distinct: a hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; a bum neither travels nor works.

Why did men become hoboes?

After the Civil War, many headed west in search of work, carrying a hoe with them. “Hoe boys” became “hobos.” Hobos were not bums or tramps; they were men seeking work wherever they could find it. They lived out of doors in camps known as jungles.

Can a hobo be a woman?

Female hobos, also known as “hobo women,” were a common sight during the Great Depression in the United States. Many female hobos were single mothers who had lost their homes and means of support. Female hobos often traveled with their children and were known for their resourcefulness and resilience.