How warm is Tuscany in December?
How warm is Tuscany in December? Sunny and mild with a fair amount of rain, temperatures across the region average 40-54°F (4-12°C), with nights being a little colder and temperatures in the mountains being colder still, hovering freezing.
Is Lake Como near Tuscany?
Traveling from Tuscany to the Italian Lakes District is approximately a 240-mile (388-kilometer) trip, assuming you start in Florence and go to Como, on the shore of Lake Como. By car, that drive takes about four hours, with the train ride lasting about the same time.
What is the coldest month in Tuscany?
Winter can still have some sunny days but is usually wetter and colder, especially at night. July and August are the hottest months. January is the coldest month.
Do you need a car in Tuscany?
If you like to play things by ear; to be able to and get out or stay in on a whim, you're going to need a car. In fact, you're going to miss out on so much of the experience of Tuscany and the romance of the area, if you don't have your own transport.
How far apart are Florence and Tuscany?
How far is Florence from Tuscany? If you're traveling by land, it's important to know the distance from Florence to Tuscany. Your trip will be a total of 125 miles (201 km). The flying distance is 99 miles (159 km).
Is December a good time to visit Tuscany?
It is the land of art and of amazing food, full in events and, for one reason to another, La Toscana is an ideal travel destination all year round, without exceptions. Generally December is considered a peak season, but in the largest towns the museums are less empty of tourists than summertime.
Is it worth going to Italy in December?
Is December a good time to visit Italy? December is a great time to visit Italy if you're hoping to sightsee, visit museums and archaeological sites, like Pompeii, enjoy delicious food, and be amazed by some of the most beautiful landscapes and cities in the world!