How warm is the water in Venice Beach?

How warm is the water in Venice Beach? Today's Venice Pier sea temperature is 63 °F.

Is Venice Beach expensive?

There's no denying that Venice Beach boasts a higher cost of living compared to many other parts of the country, and even within California itself. Housing costs, in particular, tend to be the biggest contributor to the overall expense.

When should I go to Venice Beach?

Visit on weekdays: Venice Beach is busiest on weekends, so consider visiting on weekdays. This is especially true during the summer months. Visit early or late in the day: Venice Beach is busiest during the middle of the day, so consider visiting early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Why is Venice Beach so famous?

Today's Venice, though, is more famous for quirky happenings on its iconic beachfront boardwalk and pier, where mimes, jugglers, musicians, and street performers of all kinds inhabit an ever-changing and unforgettable bohemian subculture.

Where is the warmest sea in Europe?

The average temperature in Europe is 21.8°C. The highest current temperature on the continent according to our data, is in Koper (Slovenia) where water has 28.9 degrees celsius. On the other hand the lowest temperature is in Dalatangi (Iceland) where water has 12.1 degrees celsius.