How warm is Andalucia in December?
How warm is Andalucia in December? Overall, weather in December is characterised by chilly, windswept days with the occasional rainstorm. Averages shift only slightly over the month, from December 1 highs of 14°C (57°F) and lows of 3°C (37°F), to December 31 highs of 13°C (55°F) and lows of 1°C (33°F).
Where is the warmest place in Andalucia?
Seville, Andalusia Another Andalusian town, Montoro, holds the official record for highest temperature.
Is Spain too cold in December?
In December, the coast of Levante (Spain's eastern coast) and the south typically have mostly sunny days with mild temperatures. The average daily temperature in southern Andalusia in December is 55º F (13º C). Alicante, in the east, registers an even warmer average daily temp of 57º F (14º C).
What is the warmest place in Europe in December?
Where is the warmest place in Europe for a winter holiday? The hottest place in Europe in December is probably the Canary Islands. For a warm winter holiday in Europe, the Canary Islands in Spain offer a haven of sunshine and warmth.
Where is the warmest place in Spain at Christmas?
In December, the Canary Islands, located off the northwest coast of Africa, experience the hottest temperatures in Spain.
What is the best month to visit Andalucia?
April, May, late September and October usually have pleasant temperatures and cooler nights - though there is a chance of rainstorms. These are great months to travel to Andalucia if you want to combine activity with beach, and get a bit of out of season sun.
Where is the warmest place in southern Spain in December?
With an average high of 72°F (22°C), Gran Canaria is the hottest part of Spain in December. This island features a striking mix of black and white sand beaches, popular for both swimming and surfing.
Which part of Spain is the warmest in winter?
Andalucia is the hottest part of Spain in winter. It's the best bet for a warm honeymoon destination in Europe for couples who choose to marry in winter. Between November and February, most of the places we mention here maintain a sunny outlook. Making it ideal for a beach holiday.
Is Cyprus hot in December?
Popular Paphos has an average high temperature of 19ºC in December, which is perfectly warm enough to relax on the beach when the sun's out. You'll want to bring some warmer clothes for the evenings as things can get a bit chilly, with temperatures dropping to 10ºC at night.
Is Andalucia the hottest part of Spain in winter?
Andalucia is the hottest part of Spain in winter. It's the best bet for a warm honeymoon destination in Europe for couples who choose to marry in winter. Between November and February, most of the places we mention here maintain a sunny outlook. Making it ideal for a beach holiday.
Is winter harsh in Spain?
Winter in Spain is pleasant and mild compared to most of the rest of the continent, and the southern areas still get quite a bit of sun at this time of year. Mountainous regions are prone to snow, but precipitation on the northern coast tends to come in the form of rain.