How to save money in London?

How to save money in London?

How to save money in London
  1. Get a Visitor Oyster card. Oyster cards, Visitor Oyster cards and contactless payment cards offer the cheapest ways to travel in London. ...
  2. Leg it! ...
  3. Free attractions. ...
  4. Cheap West End tickets. ...
  5. The London Pass. ...
  6. Book online in advance. ...
  7. Small shows. ...
  8. Bargain shopping.

Is 50K a good salary London?

Absolutely. 50K gross will give you about 34K net. You can get a great room in a shared flat for 1K/month, and by that I mean zone 1 even.

Is 100k a good salary UK?

£100k is certainly a much higher salary than most people in the UK earn - £80k would put you in the top 5% of earners, despite what this guy said during an election debate. A survey taken five years ago found that only about 1 million people earned more than £100k per year.