How to hide an engagement ring through TSA?

How to hide an engagement ring through TSA? Don't be tempted to put the engagement ring in your pocket, as it could set off the metal detectors as you go through airport security. Instead, pack it into your hand luggage in its box. A ring in your hand luggage should pass through an airport security scanner without disruption.

How can I hide my engagement ring at the airport?

Date Feb 15, 2021
  1. 1) Leave the ring in the box or in a safe carrying case. ...
  2. 2) Attach a subtle note on the box just in case your bag is searched. ...
  3. 3) Place the box inside an article of clothing or something she wouldn't think to open. ...
  4. 4) Fill your bag and make sure there aren't items that will cause a bag search.

Will a nose ring set off a metal detector at an airport?

How do people with piercings go through security in an airport? If the piercings are small enough than there should be no problem. If the piercings are metallic, a bit larger and many then they could cause problems at the Metal Detector.