How to get to Myeong-dong market?

How to get to Myeong-dong market? The most convenient way to get to Myeongdong Shopping Street is to take the subway to Euljiro 1-ga Station (Exits 5–7) or Myeongdong Station (Exits 5–8). Numerous buses also stop in the area at either the Lotte Department bus stop or Euljiro 1-ga Station.

How to go to Myeongdong Station from Seoul Station?

From Seoul Station, you will have to transfer to line 4 and alight 2 stops further at Myeongdong Station. The subway runs every 15 minutes and takes around 1 hour to reach Myeongdong.

Is taxi or Uber cheaper in Seoul?

Surprisingly, taxis in Seoul are often cheaper than other transportation modes in the city – especially if you're travelling in a group.

Why is Myeongdong famous?

As one of the most popular tourist shopping destinations in Seoul, Myeongdong has a variety of spots to visit from tons of shopping spots including big fancy department stores, trendy local shops, malls and an array of cosmetic stores to historical cathedral and N Seoul tower.