How to get to Dachau from Munich by train?

How to get to Dachau from Munich by train? Take the S2 train from Munich in the direction of Dachau/Petershausen until you reach the Dachau station. The train ride takes approximately 25 minutes from Munich's Central Station (Hauptbahnhof).

Which station is Dachau?

There are two train stations in Dachau: Bahnhof - regional trains to Munich, Petershausen and Ingolstadt and Stadtbahnhof - only regional train SA2 - Dachau Altom?nster.

What is the Dachau camp now?

The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, which stands on the site of the original camp, opened to the public in 1965. It is free to enter and thousands of people visit Dachau each year to learn about what happened there and remember those who were imprisoned and died during the Holocaust.

What part is the long walk to Dachau?

The Book Thief Part 7: The Long Walk to Dachau. LitCharts.

What is the best day of the week to go to Dachau?

The memorial is closed after 5 PM. Allocate around 5-6 hours for a comprehensive visit of the memorial site. Weekdays (Monday - Friday), particularly Tuesday to Thursday, are ideal for a quieter experience. Arriving early in the morning is recommended.

Are there tour guides at Dachau?

You can book guided tours for groups and school classes by contacting the Education Department of the Dachau Memorial Site. Guided tours take about 2 hours and are available in English, German, French, Spanish, and a number of other languages.

Can you visit Auschwitz from Munich?

Yes, there is an overnight train departing from Muenchen Hbf Gl. 5-10 and arriving at Oswiecim. This train operates every day. The journey takes approximately 10h 22m.

What is the closest city to Dachau concentration camp?

It is located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory northeast of the medieval town of Dachau, about 16 km (10 mi) northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany.

Which metro zone is Dachau?

Thus for a journey in direction to Munich Main Station Dachau is (like Munich Main Station ) in zone 1. If you travel outbound from Dachau to Altomünster (zone 4)then Dachau is in zone 2.

Can you Uber from Munich to Dachau?

While it will be pricey at 80€ each way, the drive only takes 30 minutes from the Munich Airport which saves you 60 minutes each way plus the hassle of doing transfers. There are both traditional taxis and Ubers available in Munich.

How far is Dachau from train station?

From here, the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site is around a 30-minute walk that will be clearly signposted from the station, or you can hop on the 726 bus outside the station if you prefer. It'll drop you right at the camp's gates.

How much time do you need at Dachau?

Most visitors need half a day to explore the grounds and look at the various exhibitions. If you have little time available, then we recommend that you set priorities and focus on your key points of interest.

Is Dachau OK for kids?

Is the Memorial Site appropriate for children? There is no special exhibition for children at the Dachau Memorial Site, and some of the content may not be appropriate for children under 13.