How to buy transportation ticket for Germany?

How to buy transportation ticket for Germany? You can buy tickets for the train online in advance or directly at the station. There are ticket machines where you enter your destination and find out the price. As soon as you pay -in cash or with an EC card - your ticket will be printed out. There are usually conductors who check the tickets on trains.

How to buy metro ticket Germany?

Tickets for public transport can be purchased at the multilingual ticket machines located on the platforms of S-Bahn and subway stations. On buses, fares are paid to the bus driver, on trams at the ticket machines inside the trains. In larger stations, the S-Bahn and the BVG also provide ticket counters.

What is the cheapest mode of transport in Germany?

Bus and subway prices in Germany are affordable and also comparable to one another (i.e. it doesn't cost more to get the metro than a bus). Single bus, tram, or metro trips usually cost between €1 to €2. Monthly travel cards usually cost around €80 to €90.

How does the German ticket work?

How the Deutschland Ticket works in Berlin
  1. It costs 49€ per month.
  2. It lets you use local public transit everywhere in Germany.
  3. It's only available as a monthly subscription, payable by bank transfer.
  4. Tourists must buy it from a different place.
  5. In Berlin, you can get it from the BVG or the Deutsche Bahn.

What does S-Bahn stand for?

The name S-Bahn is an abbreviation of the German Stadtschnellbahn (city rapid railway) and was introduced in December 1930 in Berlin.

What app to use for bus ticket?

The Token Transit app allows CARTA customers to purchase bus passes with their smartphones, which can then be used as electronic tickets to board buses. Customers will need to download the Token Transit App to use the mobile pay option.

How many train cards do you need to start with a ticket?

Ticket to Ride: The Card Game Players start with 1 locomotive card and 7 other random train cards in their hands. Players are also dealt 6 destination tickets of which they must keep at least 1. The destination tickets have 1 to 5 colored dots which match the colors of the train cards.

Are train ticket machines card only?

There are (A) credit card only machines and (B) machines that take either cash (ie, notes/coins) or credit card. All machines have an English button /often other languages too and you can easily select the train, seat etc if relevant, and pay.