How tall is Crooks Peak?

How tall is Crooks Peak? Elevation: 14,173+ feet, 4320+ meters.

How high is Brent Knoll?

Brent Knoll is a 137 (450 ft) metre-high hill on the Somerset Levels, in Somerset, England. It is located roughly between Weston-super-Mare and Bridgwater and is just a stone's throw from the Bristol Channel coast at Burnham-on-Sea.

What is crooks famous for?

Sir William Crookes, (born June 17, 1832, London, Eng. —died April 4, 1919, London), British chemist and physicist noted for his discovery of the element thallium and for his cathode-ray studies, fundamental in the development of atomic physics.

How high is Crook Peak?

At the western end of the hills, closest to the M5 motorway, is Crook Peak which reaches 191 metres (627 ft), and forms a prominent feature from the surrounding landscape.