How strict is lightning lane time?

How strict is lightning lane time? When you book a Lightning Lane return time, you typically have a grace period of about five minutes on either end, meaning that you can tap in five minutes before the start time or five minutes after the end time.

Can you book both individual lightning lanes at the same time?

But you can make both Individual Lightning Lane reservations that you are allowed at the same time, or at least, as fast as your fingers can work the phone. That means you can make ILLs for two different rides at 7 a.m. if you are staying onsite, or at park opening if you're staying offsite.

What is the 120 minute rule at Disney?

The Genie 120-minute rule says that you can make a new reservation at most 2 hours from when you made the last one, and this countdown timer doesn't change if you modify the reservation. If you made it at, say, 11 a.m., then your two hours will be up at 1 p.m. even if you modify the reservation at noon.

How do I choose a lightning lane time?

To make an Individual Lightning Lane reservation, start on the Tip Board and select the experience you would like to book. For an ILL reservation, you can select the time, so browse to find a time that's convenient for you.

Is lightning lane available during extended hours?

They're good if you have some extra time. Note the night I visited the Haunted Mansion pre-shows were playing, so it can take about 15 minutes to get in and out of there, even if the ride has no line. Finally, Genie+ and Lightning Lanes are not available during Extended Evening Hours.

What happens if you miss your Genie Plus time?

If you miss your window and did not successfully cancel or modify it, you will not be able to make another reservation for that attraction.

How many Genie Plus rides can you stack?

Genie+ lets you “hold” (stack) as many reservations at once as you'd like. No limits! FastPass+ return windows couldn't overlap. If you had a Peter Pan's Flight reservation with an 11:40 am – 12:40 pm return time, none of your other FastPass+ return times could overlap with that hour at all.

Is there a grace period for Genie+?

Is it possible to return early or late to Genie+ ride reservations? Yes. You can tap into Lightning Lanes up to 5 minutes early and up to 15 minutes late. These are automatic grace periods, and you do not have to ask a Cast Member for them–tapping in will simply work.

Is lightning Lane worth it?

Is Disney Lightning Lane Worth it Conclusion. As a general rule of thumb we do find the Disney World Lightning Lane to be worth it if you can find a way to save 60 minutes per attraction at a cost of under $11.00 per attraction.

How long between lightning lane and genie plus?

You can make your next selection when you've either tapped into your Lightning Lane attraction OR 120 minutes have passed since you have made your original selection.

What happens if you miss your lightning lane time?

Missing a Lightning Lane entirely will result in you not being able to book another one for the same ride. However, once the appropriate time elapses you can book another ride. My suggestion is to be strategic with the Lightning Lane bookings and aim to keep modifying to a time you know you will make it.

How long can you be late for lightning lane?

Do you lose your chance to ride that attraction? Well, the good news is that you're given an automatic grace period of 15 minutes AFTER your Lightning Lane time has passed to scan into the Lightning Lane. Even better? If you arrive at a ride early, you can tap into the Lightning Lane five minutes BEFORE your window.

Does Genie Plus work after hours?

During Disney After Hours events, Disney Genie+ is not available to use. All Guests will be directed to the standby queue to ride each attraction. If you have a regular park ticket that day and are there before the event starts, you will be able to use Disney Genie+ during that time.

Is Disney free after 7pm?

Disney After Hours is a specially ticketed event (meaning it's a ticket that is purchased separate from regular park tickets) that allows people to enter Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom at 7 p.m. and stay until midnight or 1 a.m. (ending time varies by date).

What is the 120 minute rule for the genie?

The Genie 120-minute rule says that you can make a new reservation at most 2 hours from when you made the last one, and this countdown timer doesn't change if you modify the reservation. If you made it at, say, 11 a.m., then your two hours will be up at 1 p.m. even if you modify the reservation at noon.

How many rides can you book at a time with lightning lane?

1. You can only book Lightning Lanes one at at time. Unlike with the old Fastpass system, Genie Plus Lightning Lanes can only booked one at a time. You must badge in to the attraction before you can book your next one.

Which lightning lanes sell out first?

You may be out of luck for purchasing Individual Lightning Lanes for any attraction if you're staying offsite on high crowd days. Rise of the Resistance used to be the clear winner of the popularity contest here, and that doesn't hold true anymore either. At all crowd levels, Flight of Passage sells out first.

Do you have to wait 2 hours for lightning lane?

You must redeem an existing Disney Genie+ service Lightning Lane selection or wait 2 hours—whichever comes first—before making another Lightning Lane entrance selection through Disney Genie+ service.

How many times can you use lightning lane in one day with Genie Plus?

Purchase Disney Genie+ service to use the Lightning Lane entrances at select attractions and experiences (subject to change without notice). On average, Guests can enter 2 to 3 attractions or experiences per day using the Lightning Lane entrance if the first selection is made early in the day.

Can you book two lightning lanes at 7am?

After you make that first Lightning Lane selection at 7 AM you can make your second one 2 hours after the Theme Park you have a Theme Park Reservation opens. Now, if the last Lightning Lane reservation you made is used because you tapped into the ride, canceled it or it expired then you can book another one.

How many Genie rides per day?

Disney recently added some language to the Genie+ website that says “On average, guests can enter 2 to 3 attractions or experiences per day using the Lightning Lane entrance if the first selection is made early in the day.” This is similar to the number of FastPasses that could be made by guests before the service was ...

What happens if ride is broken during lightning lane?

A ride closure during your paid Individual Lightning Lane can be disappointing, but be patient for the ride to reopen as you will be able to re-enter the queue at that time.