How should passengers behave?

How should passengers behave? wear your seat belt at all times. be a 'good co-pilot', for example, support the driver in ensuring that other passengers act responsibly - offer to help navigate, keep the radio volume at a reasonable level and don't channel jump.

What are the three main rights of passenger?

In the Know: Airline Passenger Rights (Part 1)
  • Right to be informed. The passenger is entitled to a full, fair and clear disclosure of all the terms and conditions of the contract of carriage before he purchases his ticket. ...
  • Right to receive full value of service purchased. ...
  • Right to compensation.

What are three things a passenger expects from a cabin crew?

I am sure you want someone to be polite, courteous, friendly and to attend to whatever your request professionally.

What makes a passenger angry?

Although it is a very contemporary behavioral disorder, the cause of air anger is attributed to physical and psychological stress. Alcohol is usually regarded as a source of physical stress. Alcohol consumed before or during a flight may cause the person to experience air rage. This anger could also be psychological.

What is a disruptive passenger?

Disobeying safety or security instructions. Threatening, abusive or insulting words. Endangering the safety of aircraft or other person. Acting in a disruptive manner.

What makes you stand out as a flight attendant?

With so many people wanting to become flight attendants, it's important to make sure you stand out from the rest of the applicants. Be sure to highlight your customer service skills, communication skills, and ability to work well under pressure.