How safe is Italy for American tourists?

How safe is Italy for American tourists? As a general rule, Italy is considered one of the safest countries in the world to travel in. The city with the highest crime rate in Italy is Milan. The tourist spots in larger cities are carefully patrolled, but petty crime, (pickpockets, purse snatching, etc.) can be a problem—like in any big city.

How do I protect myself from pickpockets in Italy?

How can I protect myself from pickpockets? Hotel safes are a good place to store passports and other valuables during a trip abroad. Tourists should limit the number of items they carry while out shopping, walking or sightseeing. If carrying a bag is necessary, use one that zips shut or closes securely.

Is tap water safe in Italy?

The short answer is yes. Drinking water from the tap in Italy is considered safe. Tap water in the major cities and towns around Italy is safe for consumption, and there are thousands of old-style water fountains dotted around cities, like Rome, where you can fill up water bottles.

Can you get leftovers to go in Italy?

In Italy, it is customary to pack your leftovers for the next day in a container or bag. This way, you can enjoy your food without having to worry about it going bad. You can ask your host to box your food for you, or you can do it yourself.

Do people get mugged in Rome?

Though chances of a violent mugging are much lower than being pickpocketed, it's still worth being mindful when walking around Rome. Public transport, especially at night, can make you an easy target. If you want to avoid a mugging, do the following.

Is it safe to walk in Rome at night?

There's no problem walking alone. It might be better to avoid it on dark deserted streets, as common sense would tell you. I spend a month at a time in Rome, alone, and walk all over and often late into the night. In any city anywhere in the world you need to use common sense.

Is Rome safe for American tourists?

There are a fair amount of tourist mistakes to avoid in Rome. From a safety perspective, in short, you should avoid being out alone near the Termini station area at night. You should also avoid attempts from strangers who talk at you as you walk by. This might happen in the areas around the colosseum.

Can you wear sneakers to dinner in Italy?

– The best shoes for Italy are the ones you can comfortably walk in. Sneakers are fine also in Italy, but again, maybe not in a fancy restaurant. So consider taking also some nice pair of shoes with you.

What is considered rude in Rome?

And please, do not burp or fart in public, it is considered extremely rude. Also, loud swearing and drinking alcohol from a bottle while walking the street, is frowned upon. Most Italians like some alcohol, but usually avoid to get drunk. Public scenes of drunkenness are much less tolerated than in other countries.

What can I not bring back from Italy?

Meat of any sort including chicken or pork products (fresh, packaged, canned, vacuumed sealed, jarred) is not allowed. US Customs is very strict about this. Liquid milk and liquid dairy products – Not allowed unless intended to be used as feed for infants and children (butter is allowed).

Do US citizens go through customs in Italy?

Only a passport is needed to enter Italy from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and other European countries. No visas, no vaccinations (unless you're traveling from a known infected area). Getting through customs is typically a lax affair, with the customs officers barely taking notice of your presence.

What are the safest cities to visit in Italy?

21 Safest Cities in Italy for Travelers & Expats in 2023
  1. Rome: The Eternal City Bursting with History and Culture. ...
  2. Venice: A Safe Haven Amidst a Flux of Tourists. ...
  3. Florence: A Touristic Hub with High Safety Levels. ...
  4. Milan: A Vibrant Nexus of Fashion and Finance. ...
  5. Naples: An Evolving City with Unrivalled Charm.