How rough was life in medieval times?

How rough was life in medieval times? Violence was considered a necessary part of life in the Middle Ages (about 500–1500 A.D.). People were surrounded by violence in many forms, including wars, brutal tournaments, and deadly rivalries for power and land. Graphic depictions of violent religious events, such as Christ's Crucifixion, were also common.

What was the most feared disease of the Middle Ages?

The plague was one of the biggest killers of the Middle Ages – it had a devastating effect on the population of Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. Also known as the Black Death, the plague (caused by the bacterium called Yersinia pestis) was carried by fleas most often found on rats.

How old were noble girls when they usually married?

An unknown source specializing in Renaissance weddings discusses this by stating, “The groom's average age is at least fourteen years older than their brides… Noble women were generally married off before they were nineteen. For a woman not to be married over the age of twenty-four was rare” (5).