How rough is a cruise to Antarctica?

How rough is a cruise to Antarctica? The Drake Passage can experience up to 15m swells and winds reaching Beaufort scale 10 (hurricanes are scale 12) at its peak. Most Antarctica cruise ships have stabilizers to reduce these rough sea conditions, but it is needless to say these will not stop the effects of Drake Passage sea sickness.

What is the roughest sea on earth?

From the tip of the South American continent to the northernmost shores of Antarctica: here's where you'll find the reputed roughest sea-passage in the world. The Drake Passage is the stuff of legends, and crossing it is an experience some passengers on Antarctica cruises look forward to the most.

How many cruise ships have sunk in the Drake Passage?

The choppy waters of the Drake Passage, named after English explorer Sir Francis Drake, who never actually traveled through the waterway but sailed close to the location in 1578, are believed to have caused more than 800 shipwrecks.

How long does a cruise to Antarctica last?

Antarctic Peninsula cruises will make this crossing each way. So, a typical 11-day cruise will include 4 days crossing at sea and 7 days exploring the Antarctic Peninsula. How long are Antarctica cruises? Most Antarctica cruises are 10-13 days.

Do you get off the ship on an Antarctica cruise?

You'll ?regularly ?get off the ship ?to? explore ?Antarctica ?on foot and by zodiac?, adventure activities will more than likely be available and the voyage will have a strong educational focus.

Can normal people go to Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty does not prevent tourists, military personnel or scientific researchers from being present in Antarctica, but they do require an appropriate permit from a Treaty Party.

What is the best age to go to Antarctica?

For children age 12 and up, Antarctica can be a fantastic experience. The landscapes, the adventure, and the wildlife are especially magical to young eyes. During navigations, many Antarctic cruises include presentations by ornithologists, photography coaches, geologists, adventurers, marine biologists, and historians.

Is it safe to go on a cruise to Antarctica?

Data collected by the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) show major incidents are rare—the last one prior to the late 2022 incidents was in 2007 when one of the original Antarctic passenger ships, the MS Explorer, sank after striking an iceberg.

How cold is it on Antarctica cruises?

A visit in winter may be far less enjoyable than during the summer months. While the Antarctic Peninsula stays relatively mild even during the winter with around -12°C (10.4°F), the average temperature across Antarctica is -34.4°C (-30°F).

Why are Antarctic cruises so expensive?

Why is it so expensive to visit Antarctica? Because of the Antarctic Treaty, only certain carriers can visit and they're required to have a permit. This means that even though there are now quite a few companies offering these cruises, there is still limited supply.

Can cruise ships handle rough seas?

Cruise ships are made of heavy steel, making them quite weighty. Add passengers and crew, and the ship is even heavier. With all this weight, the vessel can easily roll through rough waters or a rogue wave.

How far in advance should I book Antarctica cruise?

Please book your Antarctica cruise with as much notice as possible to give you the best selection of itineraries, ship, travel dates and cabin types. Many voyages are sold out 12-18 months in advance.

Which cruises have the roughest seas?

  • Expect Rougher Caribbean Seas in the North and East. ...
  • Alaska Cruises Can Be Bumpy in the Gulf of Alaska. ...
  • Bermuda and the Bahamas Are a Bit Less Sheltered Than the Caribbean. ...
  • The Drake Passage on the Way to Antarctica Is Notoriously Intense. ...
  • You'll Find Some Rough Waters in the South China Sea and Elsewhere. ...
  • Australia. ...
  • Africa.