How rainy is Italy in December?

How rainy is Italy in December? Average rainfall in Italy in December Central areas, including Florence and Rome, experience moderate rainfall, with averages ranging from 40 mm to 80 mm. In the south, destinations like Sicily and Naples, receive relatively lower average rainfall, typically between 40 mm to 60 mm.

Does it rain a lot in Italy?

In general travelers to Italy should plan on hot, sunny summers; mildly cold winters with a lot of rain and little snowfall; and fall and spring seasons that can range from sunny and pleasant to rainy and chilly.

How should I dress in Italy in December?

Whether you're visiting Rome in early December, mid-December, or at the end of December, I recommend packing plenty of layers, along with a warm jacket, scarf, hat and gloves. On this page you'll find: Dressing for the rain in Rome.

Is it worth visiting Italy in winter?

Winter is the perfect time to visit Italy's best cities – personally, as a local, on my own vacations, I avoid visiting places like Rome, Venice and Florence in any other season, because I can't deal with the crowds. Rome in winter is a really great place to visit.

What are the best months to go to Italy?

Italy's best travel months are May, June, September, and October. They're also the busiest and most expensive time to visit (with the north remaining just as busy throughout midsummer). Crowds aside, these months combine the convenience of peak season with pleasant weather.

What is the prettiest month in Italy?

April to June offers the best weather Often considered the best time to visit, spring offers the ideal mix of good climate and bearable tourism flows. Nature blooms as the snow melts in the mountains and the rolling hills of the central Italian countryside come to life after the chilly winter.