How pregnant can you be on a cruise?

How pregnant can you be on a cruise? Due to limitations of medical care, both on board and in various ports of call, women who have entered or exceeded their 24th week of pregnancy, at any time during the cruise, will not be allowed to board or sail with the ship.

What is the max pregnancy for cruise?

All the major cruise lines have the same pregnancy policy: Guests are allowed to cruise through their 23rd week of pregnancy. If you will enter your 24th week before or any time during your cruise, you are not allowed to sail. The cruise lines are firm on this policy, so don't bother asking for an exception.

What happens if your baby is born on a cruise ship?

Under the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, for the purposes of determining the obligations under the convention, a birth on a ship or aircraft in international waters or airspace shall be treated as a birth in the country of the ship or aircraft's registration.

How strict is Royal Caribbean pregnancy?

May I board a Royal Caribbean ship if I am pregnant? Royal Caribbean International cannot accept guests who will be more than 23 weeks pregnant at any time during the cruise or CruiseTour.

Do you get a refund if you are pregnant on a cruise?

However, as a matter of policy, most cruise lines don't count pregnancy as just cause for a refund or travel credit, so if you cancel after final payment, you will be accountable to your cruise line's cancellation policies and might not receive a full refund.

Is it safe to go to the Caribbean when pregnant?

Zika virus For most people it's mild and not harmful, but can cause problems if you're pregnant. If you are pregnant, it is not recommended to travel to parts of the world where the Zika virus is present, such as parts of: South and Central America. the Caribbean.

Can you go on a cruise at 16 weeks pregnant?

All the major cruise lines have the same pregnancy policy: Guests are allowed to cruise through their 23rd week of pregnancy. If you will enter your 24th week before or any time during your cruise, you are not allowed to sail. The cruise lines are firm on this policy, so don't bother asking for an exception.

Can you go on a cruise at 36 weeks?

All the major cruise lines have the same pregnancy policy: Guests are allowed to cruise through their 23rd week of pregnancy. If you will enter your 24th week before or any time during your cruise, you are not allowed to sail.

Do you need a doctors note to go on a cruise pregnant?

A physician's “Fit to Travel” note is required prior to sailing, stating how far along (in weeks) a passenger's pregnancy will be at the beginning of the cruise and confirming that she is in good health and not experiencing a high-risk pregnancy.

Can I go on a cruise 7 months pregnant?

All the major cruise lines have the same pregnancy policy: Guests are allowed to cruise through their 23rd week of pregnancy. If you will enter your 24th week before or any time during your cruise, you are not allowed to sail.

Can I travel alone 30 weeks pregnant?

If you're having a healthy pregnancy with no complications, you can likely travel up until the month before your due date. However, if you're at risk for preterm delivery, your doctor may advise against traveling at all in the third trimester.