How overdue is Utah for a big earthquake?

How overdue is Utah for a big earthquake? That distinction goes to the Brigham City segment, which Cox said is between 2,000 to 2,500 years overdue for a large earthquake. All of those segments of the fault that run between Nephi and Brigham City, they can produce earthquakes up to magnitude 7 or a little over magnitude 7, Cox said.

How big will the Big One be in utah?

Just how big is big? “I wanted to give you a little context, the magnitude 5.7 earthquake that we had in Magna in 2020 March, we all remember that. If we had magnitude 6 in the valley, it's three times stronger than that one,” Keach said. “A magnitude 6.75 is going to be 38 times that.

What are the signs of a big earthquake coming?

Ground tilting, caused by the buildup of stress in the rocks, may precede a large earthquake, but not always. Water levels in wells fluctuate as water moves into or out of fractures before an earthquake. This is also an uncertain predictor of large earthquakes.