How old do you have to be to drink in Cancun?
How old do you have to be to drink in Cancun? The minimum legal drinking age in Cancun, Mexico is 18 years old. Mexico requires that you show a photo identification as proof of age when purchasing alcohol. It is not against the law to travel with alcohol in a vehicle in Mexico, driving while drunk is a criminal offense. Mexico's legal blood alcohol content is 0.8.
Can a 17 year old drink alcohol in Spain?
The minimum buying and drinking age in Spain is 18, which is fairly young compared to the rest of the world. This includes buying alcohol in bars and clubs, restaurants and shops.
Can a 17 year old drink in Cancun?
The legal drinking age in Mexico is 18, and it is strictly enforced. Alcohol will only be served to students 18 years of age and older. The hotel staff reserves the right to ask for an I.D. at any time.
What age is a minor in Mexico?
The following people also DO REQUIRE proper authorization or a letter of consent from their parents or legal guardians, if they are a minor (under 18 years of age) and are travelling alone or with a third party of legal age: Mexican nationals residing in Mexico.