How not to get sick in Morocco?

How not to get sick in Morocco?

To protect yourself from illness:
  1. drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids.
  2. avoid ice cubes.
  3. avoid raw and undercooked food, such as salads.
  4. don't swim in fresh water.

Is it okay to kiss in Morocco?

Public displays of affection While you may often see people of the same sex hugging and holding hands in Morocco, this is only a sign of friendship. Public displays of affection between opposite sexes such as kissing are not allowed, while homosexuality is illegal in Morocco.

Can I sleep with my girlfriend in Morocco?

Can unmarried couples sleep together in Morocco? While it is not permitted for an unmarried Moroccan couple to share a room, as non-Moroccans you won't encounter any problems (unless the establishment itself chooses not to allow it). However, public shows of affection should be kept to a minimum.

Do you need to cover your body in Morocco?

You also don't have to be covered head to toe as a visitor to Morocco. The basic “rules” are to cover your shoulders, knees, and chest. Most days I had my elbows covered, too, and made sure that my tops were long enough to cover my bum. Showing elbows is fine!

Is it safe to eat salad in Morocco?

NB: most of those salads have been cooked and are thus safe while eating in Morocco! Be careful though with the uncooked salads. Especially if you have a sensitive stomach.

Is it rude to not finish food in Morocco?

Don't worry, you don't need to finish everything. Be aware that Moroccans often do have multiple courses. If it is a special meal, there might be two or three courses as well as salads and dessert.

What should I avoid in Morocco?

  • Do not eat, hand, or grab things with your left hand. ...
  • Avoid criticizing these 3 topics. ...
  • Avoid public display of love and affection. ...
  • Do not refuse an invitation to tea. ...
  • Do not enter any mosque. ...
  • Do not take any Moroccan's picture without taking their permission first. ...
  • Tour guides should be avoided.

What is considered rude in Morocco?

So it is considered incredibly rude to eat, shake hands, give a gift, or leave a tip with your left hand. If you get invited to a local's home for tea during your tour of Morocco, be especially careful to only touch your cup and any fruit or bread that may be offered with your right hand.

Can you drink tap water in Morocco?

Is the water safe to drink in Morocco? Generally speaking, it's probably best to drink filtered or bottled water when traveling in Morocco. Most locals will drink tap water and many travelers may take the risk, but you wouldn't want a stomach bug to stop you from having a good time in a new country.