How much weight can a 4 year old carry?
How much weight can a 4 year old carry? Doctors and physical therapists recommend that kids carry no more than 10% to 20% of their body weight in their packs. But many carry a lot more than that. The weight can pull a child backward, making them bend forward at the hips or arch the back to stay steady.
Can you carry a 4 year old in a backpack?
This comfortable pack has a maximum weight capacity of 48.5lbs (22kg) so can easily handle the load of an average 4-year-old. Keep in mind, though, that this is the maximum packed weight including pack and gear - so it can carry a 40lb child without gear.
How heavy is too heavy to carry a child?
Limit backpack weight. Overall, adults and children should not carry more than 15% of their body weight in a backpack. For example, the backpack for a 60-pound child should weigh less than nine pounds. Even when worn properly, your student may need to lean forward to compensate for extra backpack weight.