How much should you tip a Chinese food delivery guy?

How much should you tip a Chinese food delivery guy? The Emily Post Institute recommends that all food delivery people be tipped 10% to 15% of the bill regardless of other factors.

Is 10% tip too low for delivery?

In one Reddit discussion, for example, opinions range from 10% to 20% of the bill, with some folks saying it depends on how far away the catering company is. The Emily Post Institute recommends that all food delivery people be tipped 10% to 15% of the bill regardless of other factors.

Is $5 enough for delivery tip?

It depends on how big your order is — good tips are at least 15%, said a DoorDasher who declined to share his name. That means the woman who tipped $5 on her $20 DoorDash order — which is a 25% gratuity — actually gave quite a good tip, drivers said. A $5 tip on a $20 order? That's not bad at all.