How much profit does MTR make?

How much profit does MTR make? MTR has reported total revenue of $HK 47.81bn ($US 6.09bn) for 2022, up 1.3% from $HK 47.2bn in 2021. However, the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic saw profit from recurrent businesses fall by 91.3% from $HK 1.8bn in 2021 to $HK 157m.

What is the cheapest metro service in the world?

The Pyongyang Metro, in North Korea was designed to operate every few minutes. During the rush hours, the trains can operate at a minimum interval of 2 minutes. It is also one of the cheapest in the world to ride, at only 5 KP? (about $0.03 USD) per ticket.

Does Japan Rail make a profit?

As such, through diversification of their business, the majority of the private railways in Japan are financially independent and their railway operations are usually profitable, in sharp contrast to most transit networks in other countries.

What is the most profitable subway system in the world?

Hong Kong's MTR Corporation runs the most valuable metro railway in the world. In 2017 it banked US$2.2 billion (HK$17 billion) profit, more than enough to buy seven Boeing 777 jets.

Does MTR run on electricity?

Electrically-powered mass railway is generally acknowledged to be the most environmentally sustainable way to transport the world's growing and urbanising populations. We believe that our most significant contributions to the environment arise from impacts that do not occur as a result of our services.

How many people use the MTR every day?

[1] Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is the city's main public transport network. It handles just shy of 4 million passenger journeys every day. The MTR has a reputation for being clean, safe and reliable. The system is mostly underground.

How much does MTR make?

As of Sep 24, 2023, the average hourly pay for a Mtr in the United States is $40.17 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $68.75 and as low as $7.93, the majority of Mtr wages currently range between $25.48 (25th percentile) to $49.04 (75th percentile) across the United States.

Is the MTR profitable?

Hong Kong's MTR Corporation reported HK$2.43 billion (US$311.5 million) in profits from recurrent business in the first half of the year, rebounding from a HK$678 million loss in the same period in 2022, as the rail giant accelerated out of the coronavirus crisis.

Why is MTR so cheap?

Originally Answered: How can the the Hong Kong MTR (metro transportation) be so cheap? The answer is simple, the MTR and Airport Express networks comprise a total of 93 stations and carry an average of about 4.84 million passengers per day. If there were fewer passengers, it would be much more expensive.

Why is Hong Kong MTR so good?

Its affordable transport network has high station density and a strong rail network for the city's large population. It's a popular mode of transit among commuters, despite the fact that it isn't available 24/7, like in some cities.

Why is MTR so good?

Well, according to a new study, it's also the top transit system in the world. Despite having millions of passengers daily, the MTR is still so convenient and efficient that it can bring you almost anywhere in the city with spotless connections. In fact, it boasts a 99.9% punctuality rate.

Is MTR a public company?

As with the MTRC, the MTRCL's principal business is to operate the mass transit railway system. Following a successful initial public offering, the MTRCL was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 5 October 2000, however, the government is still the majority stakeholder in the MTRCL.

How often does MTR run?

The Hong Kong MTR is modern and extremely efficient and dependable. Trains run from approximately 6:00 am to 1:00 am and quite frequently throughout the day. Trains in most of the main central lines run every 2 to 3 minutes, you never have to wait long.

How many staff does MTR have?

View Employees MTR has 31,968 employees.