How much money you should have to live in Monaco?

How much money you should have to live in Monaco? The minimum amount of money to apply to be a resident in Monaco is EUR 500,000. This will need to be held by a bank that is duly registered in Monaco in the applicant's name. The full amount of money must be held by the bank during all times of the residency period.

Can you just move to Monaco?

Anyone who is at least 16 years of age and wishes to reside in Monaco for more than three months in a year, or set up home in the Principality, must apply for a residence permit from the Monégasque authorities.

How do normal people afford to live in Monaco?

Many Monaco natives are not wealthy and must rely on government subsidies in order to afford to remain in Monaco. It is nearly impossible for foreigners to become citizens, so government subsidies are tailor-made to support Monaco natives. The unemployment rate is estimated at 2 percent, one of the lowest in the world.

What are the pros and cons of living in Monaco?

Pro: The average lifespan for Monaco residents is 90 years, the highest ITW. Con: People stick around a long time: most densely populated country ITW. Pro: Monaco has the highest rate of millionaires/billionaires per capita ITW. Con: Not being part of that statistic.

Can you live in Monaco without being rich?

In order to become a resident, applicants must rent or purchase a property here, and deposit and maintain at least 500,000 euros into a bank registered in Monaco.