How much is the train ticket from Kyoto to Nara?

How much is the train ticket from Kyoto to Nara? Getting to Nara Miyakoji rapid trains operate every 30 minutes between Kyoto Station and JR Nara Station. The one way trip takes 45 minutes, costs 720 yen and is covered by the Japan Rail Pass. For the same fare, the trip could also be made by twice-hourly local trains in 75 minutes.

Can I bring food on Shinkansen?

Yes, it is generally allowed to bring food with you on the Shinkansen in Japan. Many passengers bring their own meals or snacks to enjoy during the journey. However, it is important to be considerate of other passengers and avoid strong-smelling foods or meals that may cause inconvenience to those around you.

Can you touch the deer in Nara?

Do not carelessly touch or approach the deer! Do not let your child approach the deer alone! The deer in Nara Park are wild animals. Their behavior is unpredictable.

How do you get around in Nara?

Access to Major Areas. Served by the Kintetsu Railway and West Japan Railway (JR West), most of Nara's regions can be accessed with ease by train. An extensive bus network operated by Nara Kotsu is also in place for access to more rural areas, and as an alternative to rail travel.

Can you bring luggage on Shinkansen?

How much luggage can I bring onto the shinkansen? Each passenger is allowed to bring on two pieces of oversized luggage each. Each of these pieces of luggage cannot exceed 250 cm in total dimensions as previously stated. Additionally, each piece of luggage cannot exceed 30 kg (66 lbs) in weight.

Is the Nara Line in Kyoto a JR line?

The Nara Line is a part of the JR West Urban Network in the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area.

How much is the train ticket from Osaka to Nara?

The one way trip takes 45 minutes, costs 820 yen and is covered by the Japan Rail Pass. The train also stops at Osaka's Tennoji Station (30 minutes, 510 yen one way). By limited express, the one way trip from Osaka-Namba Station to Nara (Kintetsu Nara Station) takes about 30 minutes and costs 1200-1300 yen.

How do I pay for the train in Kyoto?

You can use Icoca/Pasmo/Suica for all trains, subways and buses in Kyoto. You can also use Icoca/Pasmo/Suica at many shops, especially convenience stores. Buy Icoca cards from vending machines at JR Kyoto Station.

Is Nara closer to Osaka or Kyoto?

Nara is 35 kilometers south of Kyoto City and about 28 kilometers east of Osaka. Thus, it's within easy day trip distances of these cities. Of course, if you want to slow down and enjoy Nara a bit more, it makes sense to stay a night in Nara to really explore the area.

What is the best season to visit Nara Japan?

The two best times to visit Nara are October/November (fall) and March/April/May (spring). Nara has a temperate climate, so you can visit at any time of year. Summers (June/July/August) in Nara tend to be hot and humid. Winters (December/January/February) in Nara can be cold.

How long do I need in Nara?

While six or eight hours is ideal for a daytrip, you might find yourself with a mere half day to spend in Nara. If that is the case, don't despair: A half-day (four hours) is enough to see a lot of Nara's major sights.

How much is the bullet train in Kyoto?

A standard fee for a one-way Tokyo to Kyoto ticket is around 160 USD during peak seasons and 100-120 USD off peak, although the price heavily depends on such factor as what travel class you prefer or do you purchase a ticket with reserved or unreserved seats.

Is it faster to get to Nara from Kyoto or Osaka?

Most people visit Nara as a day trip, and do so from Kyoto. In fact, it's a bit easier and faster to visit Nara from Osaka, so if you are planning on also spending a night or more in Osaka, you should keep that in mind. Kyoto to Nara takes about 45 minutes. Osaka to Nara takes about 30 minutes.

Does JR Pass cover all JR lines?

The JR Pass covers all JR network express, fast and local trains. Shinkansen high-speed trains are also covered, including NOZOMI and MIZUHO services with the purchase of a special ticket (from October 2023).

Are there toilets on Shinkansen?

All shinkansen are equipped with multiple toilets, which are sometimes separated by gender. The toilets are Western-style except on some older train sets.

Where do you put your suitcase on Shinkansen?

On a Green car, as there is a footrest, please store your baggage on the overhead baggage rack. If your baggage cannot be stored on the overhead baggage rack or by your feet due to its shape, weight, etc., you may store it in the area at the back of the car by reserving a seat with an oversized baggage area.