How much is the train from London to Holyhead?

How much is the train from London to Holyhead? How much is the train ticket from London to Holyhead? The cheapest tickets we've found for trains from London to Holyhead are US$33.17.

Are there any direct trains from London to Holyhead?

Yes, there is a direct train from London to Holyhead. We usually find around 11 direct trains on the route from London to Holyhead every weekday. Trains usually run with a similar frequency on weekends.

Is there a train at Holyhead Port?

When I arrive in Holyhead, how do I get from the ferry terminal to the train station? Holyhead port and train station are part of the same building – simply follow the signs within the terminal to get to the train platform.

How long is the crossing from Dublin to Holyhead?

Travel by ferry to Dublin and Holyhead and get away the easy way to Ireland and Wales. Enjoy the best travel experience on the Irish Sea onboard the Stena Adventurer or Stena Estrid Superferries travelling 8 times daily between Dublin and Holyhead in only 3 hours 15 minutes.

Is it worth visiting Holyhead?

Most Holyhead visitors usually spend a few hours or just the night there before taking the ferry to Dublin. However, apart from its busy port, the town in Holy Island has several interesting attractions and an incredible natural scenery that are worth a stay for a few days.

What is the cheapest way to get to Ireland from the UK?

Taking a ferry to Ireland Catching the ferry from England to Ireland is one of the easiest ways to travel to the Emerald Isle and is cheaper than flying. There's only one ferry route that'll take you from Liverpool to Dublin which runs 17 trips daily and is operated by P & O Irish Sea.

Is it cheaper to travel by train?

Train travel is often cheaper than flying, in part because you can generally take more with you before paying extra baggage fees. It can also be more convenient and relaxing than driving, especially if you'd be driving in an unfamiliar place or driving for many hours nonstop to get to your destination.