How much is the taxi fare from Buffalo airport to Niagara Falls?

How much is the taxi fare from Buffalo airport to Niagara Falls? Taxi fare from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls On average, a cab ride from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls costs around $80.45 (€77.26) and takes about 35 minutes to reach the Falls.

How much is Uber from Niagara Falls to Buffalo?

The average price for this trip is $39. Open the Uber app and input Buffalo NY in the “Where to?” box. The price estimate for each ride option will appear; scroll to see what's available.

How far is Niagara Falls from airport?

The Buffalo Niagara International Airport is located approximately 30 minutes from downtown Niagara Falls and has up to 100 nonstop flights per day serving 31 airport destinations.

How much is the entrance fee to Niagara Falls?

It's always free to walk into Niagara Falls State Park to see the Falls, and it's open 365 days a year! What many people are happy to discover, however, is that along with this majestic natural wonder, the Niagara Falls tours and activities that you can enjoy inside the park provide hours of added fun!