How much is the rent on Frogmore Cottage?
How much is the rent on Frogmore Cottage? It's estimated the property would cost between £150,000 and £230,000 a year to rent, which means that the Sussexes may have saved up to £690,000. They will not renew their lease when it ends later this month.
Which is bigger Frogmore House or Cottage?
The cottage is part of the Frogmore Estate, bordering the much larger Frogmore House, which was once the home of Queen Victoria's mother, and also played host to Queen Charlotte and Queen Mary as well as numerous royals throughout the years.
Can the public see Frogmore Cottage?
Frogmore House is currently closed to visitors. Please note that the Royal Mausoleum is not open to visitors but the external areas are included as part of a tour. A visit to Frogmore House typically lasts two hours.