How much is the bus ticket from Zurich to Interlaken?

How much is the bus ticket from Zurich to Interlaken? What is the ticket price for the bus trip from Zurich to Interlaken? You can expect to pay around $29 for a bus ticket.

Does Swiss Rail Pass include buses?

The Swiss Travel Pass gives you unlimited travel by train, bus and boat, as well as many other advantages.

Is Interlaken a day trip from Zurich?

Visit the mountain towns of Grindelwald and Interlaken on a day trip from Zurich. As you travel to the mountains, learn about the Swiss Alps from an onboard, multilingual guide.

Is it cheaper to stay in Interlaken or Zurich?

Zurich hotels are cheaper but InterLaken seems well connected to all touristy spots.

What is not covered in SwissPass?

Mountain excursions are not included with the Swiss Travel Pass (with the exception of Mt Rigi, Stanserhorn, and Stoos as mentioned above), but you do get a discount on most of them. Under 'mountain excursions' they mean cable cars, gondolas, funiculars, cogwheel trains, trains to the mountain peaks, etc.