How much is London ticket from Nigeria?

How much is London ticket from Nigeria? The best price we found for a round-trip flight from Lagos to London is $668. This is an estimate based on information collected from different airlines and travel providers over the last 4 days and is subject to change and availability.

What are the best way to travel to UK from Nigeria?

The cheapest way to get from Nigeria to Uk is to fly and train which costs $550 - $1,700 and takes 44h 58m.

Can you go to London from Nigeria with a car?

Yes, the driving distance between Nigeria to Uk is 13684 km. It takes approximately 8 days 3h to drive from Nigeria to Uk.

How much does a ticket cost to go to to Nigeria?

Cheap flights from the United States to Nigeria from $387.

How much is the ticket from Lagos to UK?

The best price we found for a round-trip flight from Lagos to London is $725. This is an estimate based on information collected from different airlines and travel providers over the last 4 days and is subject to change and availability.