How much is KTX ticket from Seoul to Busan?

How much is KTX ticket from Seoul to Busan? what is KTX Seoul to Busan train ticket price? The price for your ticket will depend on your travel date (is it a weekend or a regular day), when you are buying, and your travel class. Usually, the Economy Class Seat price starts from ?79 USD per ticket, and from 111 USD per ticket for a 1st Class Seat.

Which is more beautiful Seoul or Busan?

The Verdict on Seoul vs Busan If you want to enjoy the nightlife in Korea then Seoul is definitely the correct choice. If you want to enjoy the scenic views of the Korean coast, then Busan is much better than Seoul in that regard.

Where does the KTX leave from in Seoul?

Types of train and services Most KTX trains leave from Seoul Station or Yongsan Station and terminate in the cities of Busan, Gwangju, Mokpo, Yeosu, Pohang, Gangneung and Jinju.

How to pay for train tickets in Korea?

There are two primary ways to pay for your train ticket – by cash or the T-Money Card. “Cash” means you'll need to purchase single-journey tickets for every train ride that you take.

Is Busan less expensive than Seoul?

Which place is cheaper, Busan (Pusan) or Seoul? These are the overall average travel costs for the two destinations. The average daily cost (per person) in Seoul is $111, while the average daily cost in Busan (Pusan) is $89.