How much is it to purchase PRESTO card?

How much is it to purchase PRESTO card? Metrolinx is bringing the cost of a PRESTO card down to $4 from the current price of $6. Metrolinx is taking steps to making it easier and more accessible to take transit by lowering the cost of a PRESTO card to $4 from the current price of $6.

Can I use my debit card as a PRESTO card?

A PRESTO reader can detect PRESTO cards as well as debit and credit cards, please take the card you want to pay with out of your wallet when you tap, to avoid unwanted charges on other cards. $3.30 will be charged to your card. This is the same as the adult PRESTO fare.

What happens if I forget to tap off?

Missed Tap Off Cost If you don't have a default set on your card and you forget to tap off at the end of your trip, you'll be charged the fare to the last stop on the train line or bus route and with your fare type and any applicable loyalty discounts applied.