How much income do you need to move to Spain?

How much income do you need to move to Spain? In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

Is 40000 a good salary in Spain?

In the capital city of Madrid, salaries are generally higher than the rest of Spain, with an average of around €35,000 to €40,000 per year.

Is 50 000 euros a good salary in Spain?

Yes, it is good. You will be able to save. Mind you, if you wish to live comfortably, I'd advise seeking housing in the vicinity, rather than in Barcelona itself.

What salary is needed to live comfortably in Spain?

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Spain? Well, expats who move to Spain will see that you need between €2,000-2,200 a month to live comfortably in a big city. However, in a smaller city, you will need a more modest €1,700-1,900 a month.

Is 3000 euro a good salary in Spain?

Considering the average cost of living in Spain, a good monthly net salary for a comfortable life in Spain is €2,700 for a single person or €4,000 for someone supporting their family.

What is the criteria for moving to Spain?

Depending on why you wish to move to Spain, you must select the type of long-stay visa and residence permit corresponding to your travel purpose. You need a long-stay visa to apply for a residence permit. A long-stay (D visa) visa will allow you to stay in the Spanish territory for long-term residency.

Is Italy or Spain cheaper?

Italy vs Spain: cost To stretch your travel budget, Spain is typically slightly more affordable than Italy, even in expensive cities like Madrid.

Will Spain relax the 90 day rule?

Spain currently does not have any plans of changing the 90-day rule. Technically, this rule is not under Spanish jurisdiction, as it is a rule that applies to the whole Schengen Area. So even if Spain wanted to change this rule, the change can only be initiated by authorities of the European Union.