How much does lunch cost in Italy?

How much does lunch cost in Italy? You can find great deals as low as €9 that include water and coffee. Other great lunch options are the classic trattorias and osterias, offering pasta dishes ranging from €9–14, and second courses from €12–20. For a sit-down lunch at a traditional Roman restaurant, budget around €15–20 per person.

What is the cheapest meat in Italy?

Italy: average price of fresh meat H1 2018, by type According to data, consumers paid on average 7.98 euros for a kilogram of chicken breast. The cheapest type of meat was the pork chop, costing 6.37 euros per kilogram.

How much is a typical breakfast in Italy?

Average price of breakfast in Rome Italians tend to shoot their espressos and eat their cornetti right at the bar. Coffee usually costs €1, a cappuccino around €1.20 and pastries are usually €1–2. So plan out an average of €3 for breakfast.

Is alcohol cheap in Italy?

Depends on the restaurant. But in a casual restaurant 3 to 4 euros for a glass of wine is about right, 6 euros for a beer. We went to a few osterias and trattorias in Rome where the price of a liter of the house wine (vino casa) was under 10 euro.

How much will a meal cost in Italy?

While meal prices in Italy can vary, the average cost of food in Italy is €45 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Italy should cost around €18 per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner.

How many euros should I take to Italy per day?

If you are the kind of person who gets uncomfortable about not having some local currency in your wallet before you arrive, then order around €100-200 (in tens and twenties) from your home bank or exchange bureau in your home country and bring it with you so you can use it to pay for a cab or accommodation in an ...

Is it expensive to eat in Italy?

Remember, if you're not in the touristy areas, the average costs of meals in Italy are less than 10 USD per person (including a drink).. and even cheaper if you decide to share that massive pizza if on a budget!

Is it better to carry cash or card in Italy?

In Italy, cash is still preferred in most restaurants, cafes and other establishments, although credit and debit cards are becoming more widely used throughout Italy and are an increasingly convenient way to pay for things. Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted, although American Express is not.

Should I buy euros before going to Italy?

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip. Some tourists feel like they just have to have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

How much cash do I need per day in Italy?

Bring $100-200 USD cash, but keep it stashed away and don't change into Euro. It's only to be used as a fallback if every ATM in the country is out of order at the same time. Use ATMs to withdraw Euro from cash machine in the airport upon arrival, and replenish your Euro supply at an ATM when you run low.