How much does it cost to visit Tutankhamun tomb?
How much does it cost to visit Tutankhamun tomb? Tutankhamun tomb price is 300 LE per person. The ticket for pharaoh Tutankhamun tomb must be purchased at the ticket office before entering the Valley of the Kings. You can buy a ticket in person, or ask our tour leader for help in purchasing it.
What is King Tut holding in his coffin?
He holds the crook and flail, symbols of the king's right to rule. The goddesses Nekhbet (vulture) and Wadjet (cobra), inlaid with semiprecious stones, stretch their wings across his torso. Beneath these goddesses are two more—Isis and Nephthys—etched into the gold lid.
Is it worth visiting Tutankhamun tomb?
If you want to see the mummy of King Tut, then it is worth it for 360 EGP. However, the tomb is nothing special and you can see better preserved mummies at the Egyptian Museum.