How much does it cost to travel to Canada from Nigeria in Naira?
How much does it cost to travel to Canada from Nigeria in Naira? Flights from Nigeria to Canada at NGN1,502,840*
How much money should I take to Canada for 2 weeks?
It's hard to advise on how much spending money you should budget for as everybody has different tastes and spending habits. A good guideline is between $250 and $300 (Canadian Dollars) per week. Some will find this is more than enough whereas others will use this up in a couple of messy nights in the pub!
What documents do you need to enter Canada?
Entry into Canada: Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. Children under 16 only need proof of U.S. citizenship.